ANGER - Volume 2 Chapter 3

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“Myselves steadied Knife, Fork and Spoon, and I popped out of their throats like three shooting popcorns. I spiralled down through the air and landed in a triangular formation, facing outward and hands linked. My Red child body hovered above my three rotating selves, and moved in unison as though on a potter’s wheel. The Red soldiers repeated, “Have you come from the Red to defeat the beast?” “Maybe,” I smirked with four mouths. I was three times the height of these little red Cups, who surrounded me like children.

The soldiers beheld the disemboweled and eye-encrusted monstrosity of my child body as it hovered above them. Its multitude of eyes did roll backwards in their sockets and plumes of flame did burst out on the completed click of each cycle…”

Alexander Augustus

Artist | Designer

London | Seoul | Berlin

ANGER - Volume 2 Chapter 4


ANGER - Volume 2 Chapter 2