The Streets of Daejeon 2050 : Artience Camp

Exhibition, conceptual product design, workshop, film - Acrylic, LED lighting, ARDUINO sensors, 3D printing, costume design, welded steel. Daejeon, Korea. In partnership with The Artience Project, Daejeon, and Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, London (2014).

The Bite Back Movement wrote and managed the syllabus for this 5 week workshop, curated and directed the work, travelled the exhibition between Korea and the UK, and lectured and participated as individual artists.


The Artience Camp was a site-specific future forecasting workshop, funded by Artience and the city of Daejeon. I wrote and Creative Directed the 5 week workshop in which graduates from Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, PhD candidates from The Korean Advanced Institute for Science and Technology (KAIST), and 30 local Daejeon school children created industry-standard storyboards and speculative products for the year 2050.

Through a range of research and analysis techniques we generated future worlds and prototyped futuristic products to inhabit them. The artists and designers hailed from England, Korea, 

Colombia, France, Estonia and India and each group based their project on scientific research, ARUP Architects Foresight insights, creative industry knowledge and imagination. The final exhibition then toured South Korea and the UK.

-Artists/ Designers: Alexander Augustus (England) Seung youn Lee (Korea), Soumya Basnet (India), Felipe Palacio (colombia), Maxance Mauduit (France), Helen Sirp (Estonia)

-Scientists: Junsun Ahn, Geumsung Kim, Sungsil Kim, Dongjae Lee, Hyunjae Lee, Richard Park, Donghyuk Kim. 

-Students: Junhyong Kim 외 30 students.

Begin art collecting, Start art collecting, Young artist, Investing in art, Buy art, Alexander Augustus, Buy bronze sculpture, Buy sculpture, Buy metal sculpture, Buy outdoor art, Buy outdoor sculpture, Buy investment art, Buy young artist work, Art…

Air Halo

My students were concerned about air quality in 2050. We looked to genetically engineered plants for the solution, and created the Air Halo; a container which generates a clean air supply through fast-oxygenating engineered plants. The wearer breathes O2 and CO2 backwards and forwards with the plant inside. The plant glows red when the air supply becomes scarce.

Artist : Alexander Augustus

Scientist : Junsun Ahn, Geumsung Kim

Begin art collecting, Start art collecting, Young artist, Investing in art, Buy art, Alexander Augustus, Buy bronze sculpture, Buy sculpture, Buy metal sculpture, Buy outdoor art, Buy outdoor sculpture, Buy investment art, Buy young artist work, Art…

King’s Mask

In 2050 these students imagined a polluted and divided society in which rich people could afford to buy bottles of clean air. The King’s mask is modelled on traditional Korean forms, and acts as a status symbol for the upper classes.

Artist : Seung youn Lee

Scientist : Richard Park, Sungsil Kim

Begin art collecting, Start art collecting, Young artist, Investing in art, Buy art, Alexander Augustus, Buy bronze sculpture, Buy sculpture, Buy metal sculpture, Buy outdoor art, Buy outdoor sculpture, Buy investment art, Buy young artist work, Art…


The Exmo was designed to answer the students’ mental health concerns. Sensors in the helmet would monitor brain patterns to safeguard students from self-harm.

Artist : Soumya Basnet

Scientist: Dongjae Lee

Begin art collecting, Start art collecting, Young artist, Investing in art, Buy art, Alexander Augustus, Buy bronze sculpture, Buy sculpture, Buy metal sculpture, Buy outdoor art, Buy outdoor sculpture, Buy investment art, Buy young artist work, Art…

Thunder-flex 3000

Concerned about future employment, Pipe and Max worked with the students to create these shoes which generate energy by walking which can then be sold back to the power-plants. In effect, exercising and being healthy can become a full-time job.

Designers : Pipe Palacio / Maxence Maudit

Scientist: Donghyuk Kim

Begin art collecting, Start art collecting, Young artist, Investing in art, Buy art, Alexander Augustus, Buy bronze sculpture, Buy sculpture, Buy metal sculpture, Buy outdoor art, Buy outdoor sculpture, Buy investment art, Buy young artist work, Art…

VR Dress

Helen’s team envisioned a future where fashion became digital. VR markers on our clothes would allow us to transform our visual appearance.

Designer - Helen Sirp

Scientist: Hyunjae Lee


A Hidden Face : Migrant Ambassadors for South Korea


OH MY GOD : Church of Chonsa