Alexander in Mimesis

Meleagris Live Free or Die

A Dangerous Figure : Young and Unemployed in the UK


The Crown of Numbers


Power from the Blazing Stone

POWER : Futurescape Simulator

The Crowns of Timespace

The Clockwork Earl

The Mother Crowns of Neo Joseon

My Pigeon Milton

The Birds Who Stayed

A Spirit of Climbing

31 Letters from August

Walking on the Sea

Do Not Believe Me

Orchogany: Eleven Roof Gods Reborn / 어처구니: 다시 태어난 11신

The Gate of Silence

Here in the Beginning, There at the End

The Butterflies of Andokbul / 안덕벌의 나비들
A Hidden Face : Migrant Ambassadors for South Korea

The Streets of Daejeon 2050 : Artience Camp

OH MY GOD : Church of Chonsa

OH MY GODS : Shamans 2100 AD / 년 무당, 천사 그리고 스토리텔러

OH MY GOD : The Burning Couple

Democratic Pressure / 민주적 압박

Art World

The Cult of Janus

Travelling with Art Book Illustration

Shadow City